Eighteen months on, virus is still here but for how long?
Looking back to that unforgettable day last year, Monday 23rd March when Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the first lockdown restrictions as Covid infections and deaths escalated seemingly out of control was admittedly, something most had never expected or experienced. Most found lockdown scary and difficult to comprehend, few really understand how much it would affect lifestyles when so suddenly and abruptly our freedoms were literally snatched from under our feet. Overnight one essential shop and a daily walk was all our only freedom but we knew that if we wanted our lives to return some kind of normality these first steps were essential to regain our future freedom. It was in those early days that I would never have anticipated that 18 months later we would still in the middle of a Pandemic. It was fortunate that the first lockdown came at the end of March when days were slowly getting longer and warmer making it easier to tolerate but nothing like the long bleak second lockdown that started this year on 4th January when days were short and very cold.
This second lockdown was by far the hardest to endure and a depressingly miserable period in our lives, I truly wish this never to happen again. but nobody can foresee or predict the future. However, what a relief it was when towards the end of March the Government announced the lifting of some restrictions allowing us to meet up in groups of six sharing outdoors and later opening up restaurants albeit limited to only eating outdoors but nobody seemed to mind whatever the weather. Even these small mercies were gratefully received. By the middle April a few more lifted a few more restrictions were lifted, allowing non-essential shops, barbers and hairdressers to open their doors, and what a blessing disguise that was. Finally the Government announced that contactless sports would be allowed. Tennis and golf were overwhelmed with huge numbers keen to play sports outdoors what ever the weather albeit with strict social distancing rules.
It was during those endless sombre days that most relied on Zoom and Housepartys for meetings and friendly chats which clearly helped with social interactions and lifted flagging spirits. Some though, found it difficult to re- connect socially and chat to mates they’d hardly spoken to for some time. Although our world appeared to be opening up, there were still too many restrictions allowing us to go back to BC (Before Covid) days but as Spring drifted into Summer more restrictions were lifted which in turn gave us that wonderful feeling our lives were slowly returning to some sort of normality. Even foreign travel became feasible although Government traffic light systems, that changed frequently, enabled us to travel abroad but not without having expensive PCR tests put off some travellers off.
But that all changed during those summer months when a couple of commissions landed on my desk and I again started to enjoy sitting at my laptop composing articles. If it was wasn’t for the successful vaccination programme I’m convinced many of us would not be where we are today and thankfully over the past few months more and more restrictions were lifted including watching sports from event venue. Football, tennis, Rugby, and golf all opened their doors to fans. I remember vividly watching tennis on Centre Court at Wimbledon for the first time with little social distancing and few masks when was retractable roof was closed which felt very strange at first sitting in proximity to strangers but nobody seemed in the slightest bit worried as they fervently cheered on their favourite player!
How our lives have changed and seemingly returned to normal despite daily Covid confirmed cases continuing but what will happen this winter is anybody’s guess. I am keeping fingers tightly crossed.. …